Tired of scrolling through hundreds of reviews when you’re hungry just to find that one good dish? Check out Munchee!
Munchee = Yelp + Instagram
Munchee focuses only on the quality of the food, not the rating of the restaurant.
Munchee is useful, visual and fun.
Munchees highlights:
For foodies and hangry (hungry+angry) folks:
Stay updated with newest and hottest food trends
Instant-search for specific dishes and food categories
Side-by-side visual results with details on price, ratings and reviews
Fast and easy to make decisions that will totally satisfy your cravings
For food-lovers and trendsetters:
Snap a picture of your food
Review the food
Share it with friends and other food lovers
Create beautiful food collections in your profile
Like, comment and pin the posts you love
Now you can start hunting for the best and cheapest “Ramen” and “Churros” in the area using this app.
When it comes to Munchee, only food matters. Bon appetit!
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